Sunday, October 21, 2012

I need more hours in a day

So much has happened in the past month I don't even believe it. I'm back to work as of Oct. 3, and I am in the process of buying the wonderful condo I talked about in my last blog. But I'm so damn tired all the time. It makes me angry with myself that I can't keep up the pace. I even woke myself up this morning because I was snoring! I never snored before.
Going back to work has been a real adjustment. I wasn't used to getting up and having to pretty much step on the gas right away. Combined with working through the condo transaction, I barely have time for all the things I was taking for granted like nice walks with Abbey or practicing my ukulele.
I'm still not my old self. September 27, I had the little nip and tuck I mentioned before. This included lifting the right breast. Dammit, everything hurts worse than I think it's going to! I had a follow up Oct. 10, the day before my birthday, and Dr. Isik said it looked good, but I still have so much swelling on the new breast. He prescribed me some antibiotics, which helped, but I still feel like a freak because they don't match.
Then, the words I never thought I'd hear in my whole life - November 6 is nipple day! Oh yay....but that will be the end of surgeries. So, since I had a skin sparing mastectomy, I've got enough tissue there for him to push it together and make a new nipple. A few weeks after that, comes the tattoo of the areola.
But I'm tired, and bummed because I'm not exercising as much as I'd like to because I'm so tired. Hopefully things will settle down one of these days. I'm going to have to hire movers when I move into the condo, because it's on the third floor and I can't lift much these days. Which brings me to my back. No, I don't have bone cancer thank God. But I do have arthritis in my back now, and my L5/S1 are a bit worn out, but this doesn't require surgery, which I wouldn't do anyway! No more cutting on me!!!!
I went to a rehabilitative doc, and he said given my history of Pilates, to get back into it and it will strengthen my back again. I know it will. I've just been to tired to do it. He was a cool guy.
That said I did get Abbey to the park today for our usual hike, and I did fine. Tonight I'm going to a ball. You heard right. A ball. As in Cinderella went to the ball! Although I don't feel like Cinderella.
Mira talked me into this a long time ago. It's called "An Evening in Vienna," and this year it's at the University of Washington in their huge ballroom that's apparently very beautiful and newly remodeled. It's black tie, so I had to buy a dress, a gown if you will. I got a good deal on a very flattering long black "mermaid" dress. It's ruched through the bodice, so it's very figure flattering. It has a higher neckline, but is sheer on top, so it hides all my scars that might otherwise be revealed. I'm so self-conscious.
Friday night Mira and I went to a three-hour ball prep, which focused on brushing up on waltz and foxtrot, with a little bit of polka, which may sound dorky, but it was the most fun. It's like how they danced in "Gone With The Wind." Waltz was considered far too scandalous then because of the closeness with your dance partner! Hahaha! Anyway, God I hope there are some decent leads there tonight (guys) because I was stepped on more than once, and even have a bruise on my left big toe. A follow is only as good as her lead, and if they push you down the dance floor or invade your dance space, it's a drag.
But, I guess it's good I'm getting out amongst them! I was too tired to even go to a movie last night after my day of chores and errands.
I did go over to my old stomping grounds for my birthday and Taylor's birthday. I drove over on my birthday and came home Sunday. He is living with a couple of guys now, and it's a typical bachelor pad, but it looked fine. I saw a lot of my old pals, but again it was too short and fast. It's good to go over there, but I really don't miss the place, just the people.
I think I'm going to get back into the condo Tuesday and hopefully get a couple of contractors in to bid on a new hot water heater and possibly new tile around the tub. Everything else is pretty much done, but the seller's representative re-tiled the bathroom floor with nice new big tiles, but the tub still has the original old icky white tile around it with a black accent, so it looks weird. I want shit done before I move in.
One more thing. I had applied for an MFA program in creative writing, but I didn't get in. I was very disappointed, but as my friend Taryn has said, and I believe this, God opens the doors that are meant to open, and closes the other ones. It would probably kill me to add school on top of all of this other stuff right now.
So, if all goes well I'll be in the condo at the end of November. If I don't do Christmas cards this year, don't freak. I can only do so much.
Time to put the pretty on. Hopefully no one will step on me!