Friday, January 1, 2010

New Years Eve and the bus

For some unknown reason, I've had this irrational fear of taking the bus. Last night, New Years Eve, I really didn't want to hassle with parking, or for that matter being on the road on amateurs night out. So, I braved it, packing the correct change, and my umbrella a.) since it was drizzling, and b.) as a weapon!
I'm not really so frightened of people, as I am of getting on the wrong bus and ending up in Canada or something. But lo and behold, I got to Second and Seneca, walked the eight blocks or so to Pioneer Square, and landed right where I wanted to be, at the Underground Comedy Club, for a gut-busting funny show. I met my new friend Mira, and we had a really fun time. Laughter was a good way to usher in a new year, and say goodbye to the rather awful 2009.
Getting back, the bus was a little late, but those of us waiting at the bus stop at 2nd and Columbia, were a lively group, sharing stories, and even that was fun. To top it off, the bus driver on the return didn't charge us a dime! I guess they are just thrilled that people chose to take the bus on New Years rather than cause problems with their cars.
So, in this fledgling new year, I've already conquered one of my fears! Yay!